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Experience the best German language lessons and courses online

Our professional German tutors provide online one-on-one lessons and courses to improve your language skills in a fun and interactive way. Learn German from home, at your own pace and schedule, with beginner to advanced level classes and courses to choose from.

Learn German with the teacher Sebastian.

14 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Ich besitze noch keine langjährige Erfahrung als Lehrkraft, durfte aber schon Freunden und anderen helfen, sich im Deutschen zu verbessern.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 13:45 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Valeriia.

2 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Tutor with Native Fluency & In-Depth Cultural Experience I can assist you with conversational Ukrainian and German, as well as grammar and writing skills. My teaching approach is highly adaptable, depending on your personal goals and learning style. I'm a firm believer in providing homework and offering plenty of practical study tips to reinforce your progress—but don’t worry if life gets in the way sometimes! However, from my own experience learning five languages, I know that putting in extra time and effort is the key to mastering a language. With dedication and the right guidance, you'll make great strides in your language-learning journey.

USD 23.00/Hour
Available 18:00 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Maya Simonov.

Maya Simonov

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Professionelle Deutschlehrerin mit über 6 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung Ich helfe dir leidenschaftlich gerne dabei, deine Deutschkenntnisse zu verbessern. Egal, ob du ganz am Anfang stehst oder schon fortgeschritten bist – gemeinsam erreichen wir deine Ziele! Was ich dir biete: - Individuelle Betreuung: Jeder lernt anders. Deshalb passe ich meinen Unterricht an dich und dein Lerntempo an. - Praxisnahe Übungen: Mir ist wichtig, dass du das Gelernte sofort im Alltag anwenden kannst. Wir üben also viel sprechen und arbeiten an Themen, die für dich relevant sind. - Motivierende Lernatmosphäre: Der Unterricht soll Spaß machen! Ich lege großen Wert darauf, dass du dich wohlfühlst und mit Freude dabei bist.

USD 11.00/trial
Available 17:00 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Liz.


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Frisch zurück aus Harvard: Doktorin mit über 10 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung My first teaching experiences date back to my high school days when I started working as a private tutor. I taught German, English, French and Maths to younger students. Throughout college and my Ph.D. journey, I continued working as a private tutor for both high school students and adults in Germany and abroad. At the University of Cologne (Germany), I gained experiences as a university tutor and gave several workshops on oral presentation skills.

USD 28.00/Hour
Available 07:30 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Andrea Becker.

Andrea Becker

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Erfahrene Aus- und Weiterbildungspädagogin mit Karrierecoaching-Kompetenz I create a casual but professional learning environment tailored to my students' needs. My goal is to help you achieve your language objectives while fostering clear communication and respect. We will work at your pace and focus on practical skills. And who knows: maybe I’ll even be in your country when we meet!? Ich schaffe eine lockere, aber professionelle Lernatmosphäre, die auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse meiner Schüler eingeht. Mein Ziel ist es, dir bei deinen Sprachzielen zu helfen und dabei klare Kommunikation und ein respektvolles Miteinander zu fördern. Wir arbeiten in deinem Tempo. Und wer weiß: vielleicht befinde ich mich während unseres Kennenlernens sogar in deinem Land!?

USD 5.55/trial
Learn German with the teacher Tine.

14 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Conversation & Specific Grammar Training & German for the Job (especially politics) I am offering mostly conversational German and specific Grammar lessons. Let's have a chat like friends about all sorts of things. I want to create a safe space for you where you can practice your German without thinking about making mistakes. Let's explore German grammar and spoken German together in a fun conversation which helps you getting fluent in conversational German.

USD 9.00/trial
Learn German with the teacher Wegar Mohamed Ali.

Wegar Mohamed Ali

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Passionate about languages, I combine mentoring, translation, and interpreting experience to support From a young age, my passion for languages began. Through my training as a foreign language correspondent, translating and interpreting, as well as participating in creative writing workshops, I have always had the opportunity to further develop my skills in language and mentoring. Additionally, through social work, I discovered how much I enjoy working with people and how naturally it comes to me.

USD 11.00/trial
Available 07:45 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Niki Klein.

135 Lessons

Niki Klein

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Native Bilingual Teacher As a teacher, I bring a wealth of experience from having lived in several countries. These experiences have made me acutely aware of the challenges involved in learning a new language. This awareness inspired me to help others learn German, leading me to obtain specialized certifications. In my sessions, I aim for an interactive and engaging approach that makes learning not only effective but also enjoyable and fun. My goal is to create a dynamic environment where students feel motivated and excited about their language journey.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 07:00 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Madeleine Magnet.

2,717 Lessons

Madeleine Magnet

Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :German

Ask for more timeslots 📚 Structured clases ❇️ Beginners🔸Test Prep 🔹 Advanced▪️Austrian dialect◽ ❇️Structured clases ❇️ Beginners🔹Kids🔸Test Prep 🔹Youth🔺 Advanced▪️Austrian dialect◽Grammar 🔻 Nach meinem Studienabschluss 2018 des Lehramts, habe ich ein Jahr lang an einer Handelsakademie in Österreich unterrichtet. Danach bin ich durch Kolumbien und Thailand gereist und habe noch in Kolumbien entschieden, mein Leben in Österreich aufzugeben und nach Madrid zu ziehen. Die beste Entscheidung meines Lebens. After graduating as a teacher in 2018, I taught at a commercial secondary school in Austria for one year. Afterwards I traveled through Colombia and Thailand and while still in Colombia I decided to give up my life in Austria and move to Madrid. The best decision of my life.

USD 20.00/trial
Available 14:45 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Esther.


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Deutsch mit einer Muttlersprachlerin mit über 1.000 Stunden Unterrichtserfahrung! Seit über 2 Jahren gebe ich online Deutschunterricht an Lernende aller Niveaustufen (A0 - C2) aus aller Welt. Ich habe diese Leidenschaft für mich entdeckt, als ich selbst begonnen habe intensiv eine Fremdsprache zu erlernen. Heute ist dieser Beruf meine Passion! Es erfüllt mich, anderen Menschen zu helfen eine Fremdsprache zu lernen, ihre Fortschritte mitzuerleben und sie wachsen zu sehen. Ich halte mich für eine sehr geduldige und ruhige Lehrerin, die viel Verständnis für ihre Schüler mitbringt. Bei mir verlierst du die Angst vor dem Sprechen und gewinnst Selbstsicherheit in der neuen Sprache.

USD 15.00/trial
Learn German with the teacher Kira Be.

12 Lessons

Kira Be

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Geduldige, entspannte und interessierte Deutschlehrerin für DEINE Konversationsübungen auf Deutsch! Als Lehrerin bin ich sehr flexibel. Am liebsten mache ich Konversationsübungen, aber auch Grammatik und Vokabeln können wir natürlich gerne angehen. Ich mag es, wenn wir uns persönlich gut verstehen! So macht das Lernen am meisten Spaß :) Außerdem bin ich sehr geduldig und versuche, dir immer ein möglichst ermutigendes (aber natürlich ehrliches!) Feedback zu geben.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn German with the teacher Victoria S.

417 Lessons

Victoria S

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

My lessons are tailored to your individual needs and goals and adjusted to your progress. I want you to feel safe and free to make mistakes while at the same time growing from them and feeling the progress you are making. I love to discuss anything related to culture, philosophy, technology, the natural sciences, medicine, books, business, history, travelling, self-improvement, sport - basically whatever you could think of. If you would like to gain confidence and improve your German vocabulary in any area - we can work on it!

USD 80.00/Hour
Available 07:45 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher 👩‍🏫MAGDALENA.

3,571 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
Test Preparation
SPEAKS :German

🇩🇪💪DEUTSCH IST TOLL😉. 👩🏼‍🏫🎓Dein Training für A1-C2 🗣️Konversation ✏️Testtraining 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ 👩‍🏫Das ist Maggies Unterricht: This is Maggies teaching: 🇩🇪Ich ermutige dich (durch Konversationen, Übungen, etc.), dein Deutsch aktiv anzuwenden 🇬🇧In our lessons I encourage you (with conversations, different tasks, etc.) to use your German skills in an active way. 🇩🇪Wir konzentrieren uns auf deine Ziele und thematisieren nur Inhalte, die für dich persönlich relevant sind. 🇬🇧efficient: We focus on your goals and just do tasks that are relevant for you. 🇩🇪Während der Stunde kannst du mich natürlich immer fragen und ich wiederhole alles gerne für dich. 🇬🇧Of course you can always ask me and I can repeat topics several times.

USD 34.99/trial
Learn German with the teacher Denise.

2,561 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :German

Ich unterrichte seit mehr als 150 Jahren an verschiedenen Schulen SchülerInnen unterschiedlichen Alters. Zurzeit unterrichte ich an einer Grundschule und einem Gymnasium. Ich habe daher sowohl Erfahrungen im Unterrichten von Kindern als auch Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen. Auf Grund meiner Unterrichtserfahrung und eigenen beruflichen Erfahrungen kann ich in vielen verschiedenen Bereichen helfen: Kurse für Kinder und Jugendliche, allgemeine Sprachkurse, Schreibtraining, Konversationstraining, Deutsch für den Beruf (Büro und Tourismus), akademisches Schreiben, Wissenschaftssprache etc. Ich bin eine sehr geduldige und positive Person und möchte, dass meine SchülerInnen Freude beim Lernen haben!

USD 10.00/trial
Available 15:00 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Elena S..

4 Lessons

Elena S.

Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :German

Multisprachiger Deutschlehrer mit DLL Zertifikat vom Goethe Institut Mein Ziel ist es, nicht nur Grammatik und den Wortschatz der deutschen Sprache beizubringen, sondern auch ein Verständnis für die deutsche Geschichte, Traditionen und Kultur zu vermitteln.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 13:30 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Olia.

269 Lessons


Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Experienced German and Ukrainian tutor with six years of teaching expertise I provide German classes tailored for beginners and intermediate learners (A1-B2), informal tutoring sessions, as well as preparation courses for exams such as TestDaf, DSH, and the Goethe-Institut A1 - C1 levels. Additionally, I offer Ukrainian language classes designed to help students achieve proficiency across all levels from A1 to C2.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 18:00 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Gladiola P.

3 Lessons

Gladiola P

Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :German

German is my passion and with me, you will be able to understand, learn and master this language very well. No language is difficult if you know how to teach it. It doesn't matter whether you need the language for work, study, life in Germany, or anything else, I will accompany you step by step to achieve and implement your goals. - German as a foreign language for beginners - German as a foreign language for children and young people - German as a foreign language for school and university - Exam preparation TELC A1 – C2 (certified examiner), TestDaF, DSH, or Goethe certificate A1 – C1 - Business German (B1 – C2) - Grammar lessons (DaF A1 – C2 and DaZ) I look forward to you 😊!

USD 10.00/trial
Available 13:00 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Sascha Jozefowitz.

Sascha Jozefowitz

Community Tutorid verified
SPEAKS :German

Certified TEFL tutor with more than 4500 lessons taught! With over 4500 lessons already taught online before joining italki, teaching became a real passion for me. I love to help other people and enjoy seeing the progress my students make. With me you will get a reliable and patient teacher who always tries to get the most out of you. The focus is always to listen and speak as much German as possible. I have a variety of materials for every situation. These include many different textbook, audio materials, websites and self made PowerPoints for conversational classes or explaining grammar. I can also help you prepare for a language certificate like Goethe or TELC. I've already helped a lot of people successfully passing these exams.

USD 17.00/trial
Available 07:45 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Wolfgang.

554 Lessons


Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :German

Business German with a certified German tutor I love teaching and at the same time I have experience in different industries like real estate, retail, aviation, tourism, education, online marketing, gastronomy and also medicine. And my students can notice my work experience in every lesson. What makes me “special” is that I am a certified German tutor but combined with a lot of work experience in different fields. I professionally started as a teacher 7 years after a formation at the “Goethe-Institut”. I like both teaching groups and individuals, but I prefer 1:1 teaching, above all if it's about business German. I can consider the particular needs and the work situation of my students.

USD 13.00/trial
Available 09:00 Tomorrow
Learn German with the teacher Klaus Zwirner.

782 Lessons

Klaus Zwirner

Professional Teacherid verified
SPEAKS :German
Austrian German

GERMAN TEACHER with 6 years experience in school and university + examiner for the Goethe-Institut I am a responsible-minded, enthusiastic and flexible teacher with a good sense of humour. I participated in many different language courses, which gave me the possibility to see the things from the student's perspective. I know how challenging it is to learn a new language. I got to know which contents and methods I want to include in my teaching approach and which contents are improvable. It makes a lot of fun to teach German to other people. It is always interesting to see students improving their skills. To learn a new language can mean also to share interests, cultural facts (music, food,...), actual topics or other moments with people. Communication and interaction!

USD 20.00/trial
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Get started on your German language journey with italki today. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skills, our expert teachers are here to help. Book your first le

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