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Oggi vi parlerò di quattro concetti che mi hanno segnata: ➡️ Il non-attaccamento ➡️ Felicità o serenità? ➡️ I nostri pensieri creano la nostra realtà ➡️ La teoria dell’evoluzione influenza i nostri giorni Li ho estrapolati dal libro “Profondo come il mare, leggero come il cielo”, scritto da Gianluca Gotto. Un libro autobiografico, in cui Gianluca Gotto racconta di un suo momento davvero molto difficile della sua vita e che, grazie ai suoi incontri, alle sue esperienze e agli insegnamenti dei maestri buddhisti, è riuscito a calmare la sua sofferenza e a riprendere in mano la sua vita. Vi lascio per iscritto i principali argomenti e citazioni del libro: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rwi--pHpu9V3hxdhmZl-eF7HT9bRLxtvr7Ol9U_Mjwo/edit?usp=sharing Buon ascolto e buona lettura!
10. Profondo come il mare, leggero come il cielo.
22 分钟前
Today's phrase is “to have no qualms” and if you have no qualms about doing something, it means you're not worried that it may be wrong in some way. You have no hesitations, apprehensions, uneasiness or moral difficulty with the action. For example. if you recommend a certain way of doing something you can say, I have no qualms with this. It means I don't have any problems with it. I don't have any issues with that. Now, we only ever use this in the negative. Okay, you can’t say I have qualms with something. Maybe in Old English, that was the case, but we don't use that now. Let's look at some examples. So, the doctor is low on resources and he has to decide which patients he's going to treat. Is it going to be the one with cancer first? Or maybe the one with the flu. And the doctor might say, I have no qualms about my decision. And in the past tense he can say I had no qualms. Likewise a business owner, who's going to fire his employees during a tough economic time. He might say I have no qualms about downsizing the company. In the past, I had no qualms or maybe even I will have no qualms in the future. Um, imagine that there's a breakup between two of your friends. Uh, maybe a relationship coming to an end. You might hear one of them saying I have no qualms about this. No qualms about this coming to an end. Uh, another example, Someone who jumps out of aeroplanes and hopes his parachute will open in mid air, he might say, I have no qualms about risking my life. And also, with speaking your mind, Uh, if you're quite a direct person you can say I have no qualms about telling people how feel.
To Have no Qualms (with transcript)
2024年5月7日 08:06
To Be fed up means to be a bit bored or depressed. today I talk about a student called Roberto who was "fed up learning". Here are some questions to think about after hearing the podcast: Intention - Monday In what way is Roberto’s Intention hindering him in learning? What kinds of Intentions would be more encouraging for Roberto? How could the power of imagination help Roberto in this case? Language - Tuesday Why was Roberto so apprehensive to talk in English? Who do you think Roberto sought out a Spanish speaking English Teacher? Why did the Teacher (me) choose not to speak in Spanish? Attitude - Wednesday Roberto booked a lesson but talked in Spanish, knowing he had no time to learn – why did he do that? How did Roberto’s background of managing others, affect his attitude to learning  and his attitude towards the teacher? He said that he simply “couldn’t retain anything”. Why do you think Roberto had this problem? Success - Thursday Roberto is clearly a very successful man, why has he not been successful in learning English? Roberto clearly understood everything I was saying – what does this tell us about Roberto and his English. How does Roberto’s idea of success hinder him in seeing how good his English is? Your Learning - Friday Can you relate to Roberto’s situation?  What advice would you give him? Why do you think the teacher said “Being here is a good start but unless you can free up time and are prepared to speak in English  there is nothing I can do”. I spoke in English during the lesson – How would that have helped Roberto? Exercises - Saturday Write out your intentions about learning English and why you chose to learn? What has helped or hindered you the most? Where is your English going? When was the last time you learnt some new words? Exercises - Sunday In what ways could we describe Roberto’s experience as painful both for him and the teacher. How do you stay on track?
To be Fed Up (with transcript)
2024年5月6日 07:44