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Reading books in your target language is a great way to improve your language skills.
Dear English Learners, I would like to let you know that I will be running several new English courses in June which will include: Book Clubs: Structured reading courses based on some incredible books including; Man's Search For Meaning, Sapiens, Outliers, Atomic Habits & More! To see what books I'm offering, take a look here - https://www.italki.com/en/group-class/7149455/english?classtype%5B0%5D=2 Documentary Clubs: A course based on 4 interesting documentaries which includes vocabulary exercises and video based tasks. Suitable for Upper-Intermediate & Advanced level students (B2/C1) Take a look here - https://www.italki.com/en/group-course/detail/2023538544 Conversation Courses: For those who just want to speak, these courses of 4 lessons each focus on a new topic each week aimed at giving you meaningful speaking practice. B2 Level - https://www.italki.com/en/group-course/detail/1765411274 C1 Level - https://www.italki.com/en/group-course/detail/8582387094 Single Lessons: If you don't want to or cannot commit to a course, I also offer a number of single lessons, you can take a look here - https://www.italki.com/en/group-class/7149455/english?classtype%5B0%5D=1 If you have any questions or would like some advice as to the best class for you, please let me know. Kind regards, Ian Marshall
2024年5月28日 19:43
A deep mental issue that might sabotage your success in a job interview or IELTS speaking test. First and foremost, have you had issues with expressing your thoughts in English where you can't seem to choose the right word? Or choose an appropriate phrase. Whether in a job interview or an IELTS speaking test,? An answer may lie in the field of psychology. There is a term'for'sabotaging your success'. Self-sabotage occurs when we destroy ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, or deliberately to hinder our own success and wellbeing by undermining personal goals and values (Brenner, 2019). It is “insidious, profound, and universal” and emanates from negative mindsets (Berg, 2015). I hope it's not too technical; I wanted to share a certain perspective on the topic from a researcher's perspective. Self-sabotage is rooted in counterproductive mindsets, including negativity, disorganization, indecisiveness, and negative self-talk. In today's podcast, my goal was to illustrate through my student's story how you can fail without noticing any reasons, and my deeper goal is to help you succeed. That's why you'll find a special bonus in the recording that can potentially help you, as it did for my student only after 15 minutes of our initial call. Listen to the recording; there is great value in it for you. As always, we are bettering and bettering every day and in every way. Anatoly
A deep mental issue that might sabotage your success in a job interview or IELTS speaking test.
2024年5月27日 15:37
La cultura ecuatoriana es un mosaico vibrante de tradiciones ancestrales, influencias coloniales y una rica diversidad étnica. El país, ubicado en la línea ecuatorial, alberga una amplia gama de culturas que se reflejan en sus festividades, gastronomía, música y artesanías. En la región andina, los pueblos indígenas como los Quechua y los Otavalo mantienen vivas sus costumbres a través de coloridos mercados, como el famoso mercado de Otavalo, y festivales como el Inti Raymi, una celebración en honor al sol. Estas comunidades son conocidas por sus textiles finamente elaborados, que incluyen ponchos, tapices y bordados que reflejan patrones ancestrales. La costa ecuatoriana, con su cálido clima tropical, es hogar de una cultura marítima rica en tradiciones pesqueras. Las ciudades costeras como Guayaquil y Manta son centros de festividades como el Carnaval, donde desfiles, música y danzas llenan las calles de alegría y color. La gastronomía costera destaca por sus mariscos frescos, con platos emblemáticos como el ceviche y la encebollado. En la Amazonía, las diversas tribus indígenas, como los Shuar y Achuar, preservan prácticas tradicionales que incluyen ceremonias espirituales, la elaboración de artesanías con materiales naturales y un profundo respeto por la selva🐒🦜🌿. La conexión con la naturaleza se manifiesta en su cosmovisión y en las festividades que celebran la vida y la tierra. 🌊🌅La región insular de Galápagos🐢⛱️, conocida por su biodiversidad única, también refleja una mezcla cultural debido a la influencia de migrantes de diversas partes del mundo que han llegado para trabajar en la conservación y el turismo. 🇪🇨
2024年5月25日 20:26