90 day's training: Day 23 Could you please check my sentences? Thanks in advance. 🐰 1) I often encourage other people. I think they should believe their potential. 2) However, recently, I realised that I didn't believe enough myself. So I changed my mind to discard my unnecessary stopper for anything. 3) When I was realised about it, then I had to laugh. Because, I often said other people that it was so pity if you didn't believe yourself. 4) By the way, I went to Nara today. I wanted to buy only groceries I need. 5) I overcame no sweets to buy.
Oct 5, 2024 11:37 AM
Corrections · 2
90 day's training: Day 23 Could you please check my sentences? Thanks in advance. 🐰 1) I often encourage other people. I think they should believe their potential. 2) However, recently, I realised that I didn't believe enough in myself. So I changed my mind to get over this. 3) When I realised it, then I had to laugh. Because, I often said to other people that it was such a pity if they didn't believe in themselves . 4) By the way, I went to Nara today. I wanted to buy only groceries I need. 5) I overcame the temptation to buy sweets
Oct 5, 2024 11:55 AM
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